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Borax is a natural mineral that has been used as an ant killer for decades. Borax can be found in the laundry aisle of your local grocery store, and it is inexpensive to buy. Borax ant killer recipes are easy to make and can be used to kill ants in your home.
It’s your lucky day! You’ve landed on the only site that is 100% dedicated to killing ants with borax. Here, you’ll find the only borax ant killer recipe that you’ll truly ever need.
Introduction to Borax
Borax is a chemical compound with the formula of Na2B4O7. It is found in several minerals including the minerals colemanite, borax, and ulexite. Borax is a natural mineral, also known as sodium borate. It is a chemical compound that has been used for centuries in different applications such as fire retardant, insecticide, and water purifiers.

Borax has many uses in the home: it can be used to kill ants, clean mold from surfaces and carpets, and whiten laundry. Borax can also be used to make homemade ant killers by mixing with sugar or cornmeal. Borax can be used to kill ants by mixing it with sugar and water to create a paste or by using it as an ant killer spray. Borax can also be used as an insecticide by mixing it with sugar and water to create a paste that can be applied to surfaces where ants are present.
How to Make a Borax Ant Killer Solution
As seen on our Start Here page – it is extremely easy to make your own homemade borax ant killer traps.
- Step 1 – Gather Ingredients
- Borax
- Sugar
- Water
- Syrup (optional)
- Step 2 – Mix Solution
- Add one part borax (ex: 1 tbsp)
- Add three parts sugar (ex: 3 tbsp)
- Mix ingredients thoroughly
- Slowly stir in water until you have a syrup-y consistency
- Add optional syrup (ex: 1 tbsp)
- Step 3 – Make ‘Borax Ant Killer’ Traps
- Punch small holes in plastic cups (with lids)
- Add solution to plastic cups
- Place ant traps
Related: Full step-by-step instructions (with pictures)
Borax Ant Killer Recipe – How To Prepare It & What You Need To Make It Work
As described above, the borax ant killer recipe is quite simple and is easy to make. Here is another example of a recipe to make homemade borax ant killer:
- 1/3 cup borax
- 1 cup sugar
- water
- 1/4 cup syrup
In a small to medium bowl, stir together the borax and sugar until it is thoroughly mixed. Next, slowly stir in water until the mixture has a thick syrup-y consistency. This mixture is sufficient and will work – but I typically like to stir in some syrup to give the mixture an added taste (to lure in those pesky ants).

Placing the borax ant killer mixture can be done in a variety of ways. My personal favorite is to make my own little mini ant traps using small plastic cups (jello shot cups). These can be purchased from most dollar stores or from Amazon. I punch holes near the top of the cups (and in the lid) using a hole punch. Then add the mixture to the cups, being careful to not fill up to where I punched the holes. Ants will easily find their way in/out through the holes.
Another way to place the borax ant killer mixture is to simply put a dab of it onto a piece of cardboard or something and place it near your ant problem.
I would not place this mixture directly onto floors or surfaces – as I’ve seen it leave a stain on cement.
Using the plastic cup method is easily the best (and my favorite). After a few weeks, the mixture will harden and at this point you can easily discard your homemade ant killer traps.
What are the Benefits of Using a Borax Ant Killer Recipe?
Borax is a natural product that has been used for decades to kill ants. It can be found in most homes and it is typically not harmful to humans or pets, making it perfect for use in your home. Just use caution and be certain that no humans or pets ingest borax or the borax ant killer mixture. Borax will kill ants by dehydrating them, so they will die within hours of coming into contact with it.

Borax is a natural mineral that comes from the earth. It can be found in many places around us such as in the soil, water, or even in our homes. Borax has many uses but most people know it as an ant killer because it kills ants by dehydrating them (taking away their water). Borax is also used for laundry, to clean tile grout, and to make slime.
Again, the main benefits of using borax as an ant killer is that it is not harmful to humans or pets and it is very effective at getting rid of unwanted ants in or around your home!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is borax and where does it come from?
Borax is a natural mineral, mined from evaporated lakes in the Eastern Mojave Desert.
Borax is a natural mineral, mined from evaporated lakes in the Eastern Mojave Desert. Borax was used by Native Americans as a remedy for stomach problems and even as an insect repellent.
Borax is found in many household products such as detergents, soaps and shampoos.
It’s also used to make adhesives, fire retardants and insulation materials.
How does the borax ant killer recipe work?
The borax ant killer recipe is a popular household remedy for killing ants. It is made up of two ingredients: borax and sugar.
Borax is a natural mineral that can be found in most grocery stores. It can be used as an insecticide, to kill ants and other insects.
Sugar acts as bait for the ants by attracting them to the mixture, which contains borax. The ants will eat the sugar and then take it back to their nest where it will kill all the ants inside.
The Borax Ant Killer Recipe works because Borax kills insects by interfering with their nervous systems, which causes paralysis and death by dehydration. Sugar attracts the ants to the Borax Ant Killer Recipe mixture because they are attracted to sweet substances like honey or syrup.
Why should I use the borax ant killer recipe?
The borax ant killer recipe is a great way to get rid of ants without the use of dangerous chemicals. Borax is a natural and safe ingredient that can be found in most homes. It can kill ants by causing them to dehydrate and die without endangering humans or household pets.
Why do ants die when they come in contact with the borax ant killer recipe?
The borax ant killer recipe can be used to kill ants. Ants are attracted to the sweet liquid and they will soon die when they come in contact with it. This is because the borax has a lethal effect on the ants. Borax is a widely used household cleaner that can kill ants and other insects, but it also has other uses.
Borax is an ingredient in many recipes for killing different types of insects, including ants. The reason why it is so effective at killing these insects is because of how toxic it can be for them. Borax as an ingredient in a recipe for killing ants does not typically work well by itself if you just put it out on your countertop or near your kitchen sink – but if you mix up a solution with sugar or something sweet, it attracts ants which will then eat it and die.
Related Read: A Surprisingly Simple Guide to Homemade Ant Killer with Borax